3 simple email marketing tips for online casino businesses

Online casinos are at the forefront of technological advances and thrive on providing the best-in-class gambling experiences. But although they offer up a huge mix of technology, that doesn’t mean they don’t still rely on older marketing tactics such as email marketing. Email marketing is nothing new, and has been around since roughly 1978. It may be old compared to some of the fancy tools on the market today, but it’s still the most cost-effective way to transform a one-off customer into a returning one.

Whether you’re scouring your emails, signing up for new websites, or simply wanting updates about your favorite brand, email marketing saturates people’s everyday activities. The goal of email marketing is to guide customers to open up and engage with the content that’s being sent to them – and this is often known in the marketing world as the click-through rate (CTR). The main goal is to get a high CTR, which in turn, translates to leads.

This blog is going to explore all that there is to know about email marketing and give you the top tips that online casino businesses use to stay ahead. From personalization to A/B testing – get ready to level up the way of your online casino’s strategy.

1. Understand your audience

As a marketeer, you should be well-equipped to create both brand personas and your ideal customer profile – and with email marketing, it’s no different. When you build a personalized email campaign, you need to understand your customers completely – which is when your marketing strategy comes into play. All online casino businesses need to be able to segment players based on their demographics, preferences, and overall behavior. This could cover anything – from the games they select online, the times they play, or their online blackjack strategy – either way, every customer is different, and they need to be categorized to ensure you get the correct personalization strategy.

Here’s how to segment your players:

  1. Behavioral segmentation: Sort your potential or current online players based on their gaming habits. This may include the games they like or the frequency with which they play them.
  2. Demographic segmentation: Where your ideal player is in the world affects what sort of email content they will absorb. Think about their potential age, gender, and location to personalize the messaging that’s being sent to them. This may include thinking about their specific holidays, the culture, and all demographic-related activities.
  3. Psychographic segmentation: This one is one of the harder segments to understand, as it is about the player’s personal needs and finances. You need to think about their lifestyles and their interests, and relate content to how they live. For example, those that are interested in finding a deal and saving money won’t be interested in high-roller content, and spending big. This works in the other direction as well.

We recommend using tools such as Google Analytics to get a wider picture of your customer base. This will help you understand what people are searching for, and enable you to segment your customers.

2) Personalization

Personalization is one of the easiest ways to boost your CTR, as it’s a way to make your customers feel personally targeted (in a good way!). Whether you relate your email marketing plan to what they have been playing recently or add recommendations based on what they like, personalization is a great way to transform one-off customers into returning ones.

Here are some top tips for personalizing your email marketing campaign:

A) Create catchy subject lines that are memorable

Add in the customer’s name: Including the recipient’s name in the subject line is a great way to grab their attention and make them open the email.

Use keywords: Mention the customer’s favorite game or promotions that you know will interest the player.

B) Tailored email content

Include game recommendations: In your email, you can suggest games based on their preferences.

Provide deals and offers: Giving out personalized offers is a fantastic method to cater to the reader’s needs. Everyone loves a deal, especially when it’s personalized to them and their interests.

Super easy examples to follow:

For a slot lover: “Hi there [Name]! Ready to Spin the Reels on Your Favorite ‘XXXXX’ Slots?”

For poker fans: “Here’s an exclusive poker tournament just for you, [Name]!”

3) A/B testing

A/B testing is an extremely important aspect of all things marketing. It allows you to compare different versions of a single email and see how they work for the reader. They all can retrieve different results and help you work out what the client is specifically looking for.

Here’s what you need to know about A/B testing:

  1. Test different elements: Experiment with subject lines, content, and CTAs to find the best results for you and your brand.
  2. Analyze results: Once you have the data, you can then compare test results to identify successful strategies.

Best practices

  1. One variable at a time: For better results, only test one element per experiment.
  2. Control groups: Use control groups to measure the impact accurately, working with the different segments that you created earlier.

Once you begin A/B testing, you can then create an overall email marketing strategy based on what worked best, and which data retrieved the highest return.

As a whole, there are plenty of ways to level up your email strategy in your business, and it’s the most cost-effective method to get results.