B2B Cold Email Response Rates in 2023

You’ve crafted a cold email and sent it out, awaiting responses. Yet, all you’re met with is a deafening silence. What happened to the anticipated replies?

You’re not alone in facing this challenge. Research indicates that the average cold email response rate hovers around 8.5%. But don’t worry! This article will show you how to beat the odds and significantly improve your cold email response rates.

In this guide, we’ll delve into:

🔸 What a cold email is

🔸 The average response rate for cold emails

🔸 Methods to measure these response rates

🔸 Factors that shape your response outcomes

🔸 Best practices to enhance your success rate


What Is a Cold Email?

A cold email is sent to potential clients, partners, or other businesses without prior contact.

In the B2B realm, cold email campaigns initiate business conversations and they often aim to generate sales, partnerships, or other collaborations.

Unlike spam, a cold email targets specific people or businesses with a tailored message based on research or genuine interest they’ve shown in the product or service.

Businesses use cold emailing to generate new leads, which sets them apart from traditional email marketing that banks on previous interactions.

While this approach might seem a little old school, outreach campaigns have a lot of benefits:

âś… Less intrusive than cold calls: Unlike the immediate nature of a cold call, where recipients are often caught off-guard, cold emails allow recipients to digest information on their terms and at their own pace. This gives them ample time to understand the offer and make an informed decision.

âś… Cost-effectiveness: For marketers, the allure of cold emails lies in their affordability. There’s no need for pricy advertising campaigns or shelling out money on list rentals.

âś… Highly customizable: Every cold email can be tailored to suit a recipient’s specific needs and interests. This personal touch can greatly enhance engagement.

âś… Control over messaging: Since there’s no pre-existing relationship with the recipient, businesses have more latitude in crafting and testing their messaging.

In 2023, many sales reps are on the fence about the relevance of cold emails, especially with the rise of technologies like AI-powered chatbots or evolving social media algorithms.

Yet, cold emails remain an undeniably effective tool to capture potential clients’ attention. Although challenges like spam filters exist, with the right strategy, cold emails can turn into tangible sales opportunities.

What Is the Average Cold Email Response Rate?

This is hard to say because responses vary greatly depending on the industry. However, one thing is clear: the quality of your emails impacts the bounce rate of your cold emails.

Thoughtfully composed emails, complemented by catchy subject lines and consistent follow-ups, garner better results than hastily written, one-off messages.

With this in mind, a good cold email response rate is 10-15%. This means that out of every 100 cold emails you send, 10-15 people should respond.

Based on insights from Belkins.io, here are some essential pointers regarding cold email response rates:

🎯 Acquiring 1 B2B lead typically requires sending approximately 306 emails.

🎯 B2B cold emails usually see a response rate of about 7%, with an average open rate of 36%.

🎯 Engaging with 2–4 individuals from a single company can lead to a maximum response rate of 7.8%. If you contact more than 5 people, the response rate drops to 2.5%

🎯 Launching cold B2B email campaigns that target 240–499 recipients can yield an average reply rate of 10%.

đź’ˇInsight: Quick Mail found that 20% of campaigns have an open rate below 20%, which likely suggests those emails are ending up in the spam folder.

In summary, while cold emailing is about numbers, the emphasis should be on quality and strategy. A tailored approach can expand your reach and avoid inundating your recipients. Prioritize crafting meaningful messages and select your targets thoughtfully.

How Do You Measure Response Rate?

Having established the benchmarks for cold email response rates, it’s crucial to understand how we arrive at these figures. Measuring your cold email response rates provides insights into your campaign’s efficacy and highlights areas for refinement.

To understand your cold email’s performance, you need to track various metrics:

📧 Open rate

The open rate refers to the percentage of recipients who opened your email. This indicates the effectiveness of your subject line and your sender reputation.

To determine the open rate, use this formula:

đź“Š Open rate = (Number of unique opens/Total number of recipients) x 100

Plugging in the numbers:

Open rate = (250 opens/1,000 recipients) x 100

Open rate = 0.25 x 100

Open rate = 25%

Thus, the open rate for this email campaign is 25%. This means that 25% of the recipients you contacted opened and viewed your email.

Your CRM should also offer a built-in feature to monitor and analyze your B2B cold email response rates.

📧Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR, or click-through rate, gauges the number of recipients who clicked on links within your email after viewing it.

Remember, just because someone opens your email doesn’t guarantee they’ll interact with its contents. Some might skim the surface without clicking any links.

Monitoring these clicks offers a clearer insight into how engaged recipients are with your material.

To determine the click-through rate (CTR):

đź“Š CTR = (Number of clicks/Total number of emails sent) x 100%

Say you sent an email to 1,000 potential leads. Out of those, 50 recipients clicked a link within the email.

Using the formula:

CTR = (50 clicks/1,000 emails sent) x 100

The CTR for this campaign is 5%, which means 5% of the recipients clicked on a link in your email.

đź’ˇInsight: What are good click-through rates for cold emails?

The average click-through rate for cold emails is 3.67%. So, 5% or more can be considered a very good click-through rate for cold email outreach campaigns.

Also, personalized emails receive 41% more clicks than generic ones.

📧 Reply Rate

Reply rate refers to the percentage of recipients who responded to your cold email campaign, which indicates the overall success of your outreach.

A study by whitecream.com showed that while 21.5% of cold emails are being opened, a significantly smaller fraction of those recipients (1-4%) are choosing to respond or reply to the email.

đź’ˇInsight: When comparing the days of the week, people who respond to cold emails receive the most on Fridays, with an average response rate of 20.98%.

In contrast, Saturdays and Sundays see the fewest replies, which indicates that weekends might not be the most likely time to expect responses to your cold emails.

📧 Conversion rate

A cold email conversion rate represents the percentage of email recipients who engage with your email (by opening it or clicking on a link) and then take a desired action, such as signing up for your service, making a purchase, or any other defined goal. According to LinkedIn, the average conversion rate is 15%.

To determine the cold email conversion Rate:

đź“Š Conversion Rate = (Number of conversions/Total number of emails sent) x 100%

Suppose you sent a cold email to 1,000 potential clients. Out of those, 30 signed up for your service.

Using the formula:

Conversion Rate = (30 sign-ups/1,000 emails sent) x 100

Conversion Rate = 3%

Thus, the conversion rate for this campaign is 3%, which means 3% of the recipients took the desired action (signing up) after having read your email.

Measuring the response rate of your cold emails involves examining key metrics such as open rate, click-through rate (CTR), reply rate, and conversion rate. Each metric offers a unique insight into how recipients engage with your emails.

While the average figures might seem daunting initially, it’s essential to understand that you can significantly increase these numbers with the right strategies. Diagnosing the reasons behind the lackluster engagement with your cold email campaigns is crucial.

In the next section, we’ll first uncover why recipients might be overlooking your messages and then, in the subsequent section, offer tangible strategies to boost your B2B cold email response rates.

What Factors Influence Your Cold Email Response Rate?

Cold email campaigns are an essential element of any successful email marketing strategy. Several factors play a pivotal role in determining your cold email’s success:

➡️ Personalized subject line: This is the first thing your recipient sees. A personalized email subject line can result in an opened email opposed to one that gets lost in the abyss of an inbox.

➡️ Context: Cold outreach campaigns should never really be “cold.” The content should be tailored based on prior research about the recipient.

➡️ Timing: The time and day of the week can influence open rates. Research suggests Tuesdays and Thursdays are optimal.

➡️ Lack of follow-up emails: Did you know that 55% of replies to cold emails come from a follow-up email? Persistence pays off. A gentle follow-up can remind recipients of your initial email and increase the chances of a reply.

➡️ Relevance: Ensure your message matches the needs and interests of the target audience.

How to Increase Your Average Open Response Rates

Boosting your open rate is pivotal in getting more responses. Here’s how:

Hyper-personalization is a must

Generic cold emails are often dismissed as mere sales pitches and usually get ignored. However, personalizing your message increases its chances of being read and engaged with.

An Experian study revealed that personalized cold emails get 41% more unique clicks than nonpersonalized ones.

Simple personalization involves using the recipient’s name and referencing their company. For a deeper touch, mention their specific projects:

Subject: Enhancing [Company Name]’s 5G Initiatives

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently came across Borham Telecom’s 5G Readiness project and was truly impressed, especially noting your significant contribution.

At [Your Company Name], we’ve partnered with similar enterprises to bolster their 5G strategies, achieving some remarkable results. Given the parallels in our experiences and the dynamic shifts in the 5G space, I believe there’s potential for a beneficial collaboration.

[Embedded Animated Personalized Visual – perhaps showcasing a 5G graphic with [Recipient’s Company Name]

I’d love to explore how we can support and amplify your ongoing and future projects. Would you be available for a brief call next week?

Thank you for considering this, [Recipient’s Name]. I appreciate your time and look forward to potentially working together.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

🎉Image personalization

One really innovative way to capture attention is by using animated personalized visuals. People often auto-delete cold emails out of habit. Introducing personalized animations disrupts this routine, a tactic known as a “pattern interrupt,” which prompts the reader to truly consider your offer.

Use the recipient’s name, reference recent events or content they’ve shared, and show that you’ve done your homework. Tools like Hyperise allow you to easily create and insert personalized images, GIFs, or videos that will catch the recipient’s eye.

Tools like Hyperise allow you to easily create and insert personalized images, GIFs, or videos that will catch the recipient’s eye. 

Hyperise is a personalization toolkit that helps marketers get their prospects’ attention.Let’s look at how it can help boost your cold email response rates. 

Case study: Reply.io

AI-powered sales and automation platform Reply.io, used Hyperise in their cold email campaigns. 

The company wanted to quickly and clearly explain how their platform simplified engaging with prospects and customers over email and social media. 

They created two diagrams that directly compare how complicated the sales and marketing tech stack is normally against how simple and streamlined it is with Reply.io. 

It included a dynamic element that automatically showed the recipient’s company logo. 

The response rate for the campaign was almost 100% higher than it’s normal campaigns, at 21%.

Intrigued by this, Reply.io did some research to find out how effective dynamic, personalized images are at each stage of email campaigns.

They found using dynamic images allowed them to land more emails in prospects’ inboxes and increase engagement:

  • Total contacted: +887 emails
  • Delivery rate: +9.8%
  • Open rate: + 9.2
  • Reply rate: +8.1%


Personalize subject lines

The subject line often determines whether your email gets opened or ignored. A study by Superoffice revealed that a staggering 33% of email recipients decide whether or not to open an email based solely on its subject line.

When crafting a subject line, aim for clarity and brevity. Ideally, a sales email subject line should hover around nine words or 60 characters. Personalized subject lines, especially those that incorporate the recipient’s first name, can increase open rates by an impressive 50%.

While the power of personalized touchpoints is undeniable, mixing in action-inducing phrases like “Urgent” or “Limited time offer” can help capture even more attention.

That said, tread carefully and avoid overtly salesy terms that could trigger spam filters. Doing so ensures better email deliverability and boosts the average response rate.

đź’ˇPro-tip: Consider split-testing your cold email subject lines. This lets you pinpoint the most impactful phrasing, which in turn helps optimize your campaign’s performance before a full launch.

Segment your audience

Many businesses fall into the trap of mass-emailing potential customers in the sales process, which often leads to underwhelming response rates. Instead, a more effective approach is to segment your audience by focusing on specific characteristics such as job title, location, or industry.

HubSpot’s research indicates that emails tailored to a specific audience can achieve a click-through rate that’s a staggering 100.95% higher than generic campaigns.

By creating emails that align with your recipient’s interests and needs, you’re boosting your chances of opened emails and increasing the likelihood that recipients will click through and take decisive actions, such as signing up for a trial or making a purchase.

To ensure your outreach garners genuine interest, it’s pivotal to pinpoint the right demographic and engage in intentional lead generation. There are various methods to ”warm” potential customers, from content marketing and opt-in forms to utilizing social media, eliciting referrals, and enhancing SEO efforts. This nuanced approach is the key to reaching individuals who truly resonate with your offer.

Proofread your cold email

A simple typo or grammatical mistake can undermine even the most compelling cold email. After drafting your email, pause for a moment before reviewing it.

Make sure there are no grammatical slip-ups, typos, or repetitive points. Consider having a colleague or friend proofread it for you.

đź’ˇPro-tip: Ensure your email is formatted cleanly and professionally to achieve a higher response rate. Avoid using bold or underlined text excessively, as overdoing it can make your message feel more like an advertisement than a genuine outreach.

Ensure your email provides value to a recipient

Since a typical email user receives around 120 emails daily, capturing their attention quickly is crucial.

Here’s how to make an impact within those few crucial moments and get potential customers further along the sales funnel:

🔥 Start by addressing the recipient personally. Using their name and referencing specific aspects of their business demonstrate a genuine interest in understanding them and their needs.

🔥 Pinpoint your recipient’s pain points and underscore how your solution addresses these issues.

🔥 Introduce evidence of your product’s or service’s efficacy with testimonials, success stories, or case studies from satisfied clients. This establishes trust and reliability.

🔥 Propose an enticing offer, whether it be a complimentary consultation, a trial, or a valuable resource they can gain from.

🔥 Ensure your cold email is concise. Sidestep drawn-out introductions and avoid overwhelming them with information. Focus on showcasing the unique value you’re offering.

Include a great call to action

In the same way that a weak subject line can reduce your email open rates, an ambiguous CTA can negatively impact your click-through rates.

Many marketers fall into the trap of incorporating several CTAs in their cold emails, thinking it offers more choices. Yet, crowding an email with multiple CTAs can diminish the importance of each one you add and potentially confuse your target audience, which will result in fewer engagements.

Devising a precise, enticing, and straightforward CTA for your email is essential. Move away from unclear prompts and instead focus on underlining the benefits of a specific action.

For example:

“Start your free trial now.”

“Let’s schedule a call to discuss how you can grow your business.”

Optimize for mobile

It’s important to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly because many people primarily check their emails on smartphones rather than desktop PCs. It’s vital that your email loads swiftly, even if it contains media like images or videos.

To make your emails more readable on mobile devices:

🔸 Use a slightly larger font size.

🔸 Leave ample spacing between paragraphs.

🔸 Utilize headers and subheadings so recipients can quickly skim your content on their phone or tablet screens.


In the bustling digital landscape of B2B marketing, standing out is no easy feat. Cold emails remain a key player in outreach efforts, but their success hinges on the fine details: personalized content, impeccable timing, and strategic visuals.

Average response rates can be sobering, but as we’ve discussed, there are many ways to elevate your engagement numbers.

Hyperise’s personalization tools can help. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about sending memorable, impactful messages that resonate. With tools tailored for dynamic personalization and visual engagement, Hyperise ensures your cold emails get opened and elicit meaningful responses.

Ready to transform your cold email game? Dive into the future of B2B outreach. Sign up for a free trial with Hyperise and experience the difference firsthand.