Automizy vs ConvertKit

Hyperise integrates with 100's of sales and marketing tools, many of which are in the Email Marketing category. With so many to choose from it's sometimes hard to know which is best, but don't worry, we've got your covered.

In this comparison guide we're going to look at the Highlights, Pros, Cons and Pricing of Automizy and ConvertKit. We'll also delve into the details of which offers the best personalization options within Email Marketing, with there respective Hyperise integrations

Automizy logo


Pricing: Automizy offers a range of pricing plans based on the number of contacts you have in your email list. Their pricing starts at $9/month for up to 200 contacts, and goes up to $599/month for up to 100,000 contacts. They also offer custom pricing for larger lists. In addition to the monthly plans, they offer a pay-as-you-go option where you can purchase email credits without a monthly subscription.


ConvertKit logo


Pricing: ConvertKit offers pricing based on the number of subscribers you have on your email list. The pricing plans are as follows: 1. Free plan: Allows up to 1,000 subscribers, but with limited features. 2. Creator plan: Starts at $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers and allows for unlimited forms, landing pages, and email sending. 3.

Automizy vs ConvertKit Highlights

Automizy and ConvertKit are both powerful email marketing automation platforms, but there are some key differences between the two.

Automizy is known for its drag-and-drop email designer and visual automation workflows, making it easy for users to create and execute effective email campaigns. The platform also offers advanced segmentation, A/B testing, and personalized recommendations based on user behavior.

ConvertKit, on the other hand, is geared towards bloggers and content creators, with a focus on building and nurturing relationships with subscribers through engaging content. It also offers features like customizable opt-in forms and landing pages, as well as the ability to create automated sequences based on subscriber interests and behavior.

Overall, Automizy is a great choice for businesses looking for a more visually-driven, advanced automation platform, while ConvertKit is a solid option for content creators and bloggers focused on building and nurturing relationships with their audience.

Automizy vs ConvertKit Pros

Automizy Pros

  • Automizy offers in-depth segmentation options for targeted email campaigns.
  • It has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop visual automation builder.
  • Automizy provides a landing page builder with customizable templates.
  • This platform allows split testing for email campaigns and automation workflows.
  • Automizy offers machine learning-powered insights and recommendations to improve email campaigns.
  • It provides integrations with various popular business tools, such as Salesforce, Slack, and Pipedrive.

ConvertKit Pros

  • ConvertKit offers a simple and straightforward email marketing platform that is easy to use for beginners.
  • Customizable email templates and a visual editor are available for creating visually appealing newsletters.
  • Segmentation and tagging features allow for targeted email campaigns, increasing engagement and conversions.
  • Automations are easy to set up, with a drag-and-drop editor that doesn't require prior programming knowledge.
  • Integrations with popular third-party tools like Stripe, Shopify, and WordPress are available.
  • ConvertKit offers landing pages and forms to capture new subscribers and nurture leads.
  • The platform provides in-depth analytics and reports to measure email performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and revenue generated.
  • A robust knowledge base and email support are available to help users troubleshoot any issues, with additional support available for higher-tier plans.
  • ConvertKit's pricing structure is straightforward, with no hidden fees or complicated billing models.
  • The platform is user-friendly and highly intuitive, making it easy to navigate and understand.

Automizy vs ConvertKit Cons

Automizy Cons

  • Here are some cons for Automizy compared to ConvertKit:
  • Limited integration options: Automizy has fewer integration options compared to ConvertKit, which can limit its usability for businesses.
  • Workflow builder complexity: The workflow builder in Automizy can be more complex to use and navigate compared to ConvertKit, which could take some time to learn.
  • No free plan: Unlike ConvertKit which offers a free plan, Automizy only offers a 14-day free trial, which may not be enough time for users to fully test the platform.
  • High pricing: Automizy's pricing plans are higher compared to ConvertKit, which might not be ideal for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs.
  • Limited email templates: Automizy has fewer email templates compared to ConvertKit, which could limit users' creativity in designing their email campaigns.
  • No mobile app: Automizy does not have a mobile app, whereas ConvertKit has an app for both iOS and Android devices, enabling users to manage their accounts on the go.

ConvertKit Cons

  • Limited email templates and design options compared to Automizy.
  • No built-in landing page builder, requiring users to integrate with a third-party tool.
  • Pricing starts higher than Automizy's basic plan, limiting budget options for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Limited A/B testing options compared to Automizy, which offers multivariate testing capabilities.
  • No native SMS marketing feature, while Automizy offers SMS integrations with third-party providers.
  • No built-in lead scoring functionality compared to Automizy, which allows for advanced lead prioritization.
  • Limited automation workflows compared to Automizy, which offers a wider range of triggers and actions for advanced automation options.

Automizy & ConvertKit Hyperise Integrations

Automizy uses the HTML code embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Automizy makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Automizy integration diagram
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Using business Website passed from Automizy, Hyperise is able to enrich business logo and website screenshots.
  • Phone
  • Business name
  • Job title

Automizy Integration Guide

ConvertKit uses the HTML code embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

ConvertKit makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

ConvertKit integration diagram
  • First name

ConvertKit Integration Guide

Other Automizy & ConvertKit Email Marketing platform comparisons

Automizy and ConvertKit Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is Automizy?

Answer: Automizy is an email marketing software that offers features such as email automation, segmentation, A/B testing, and analytics.

Question: How much does Automizy cost?

Answer: Automizy offers different pricing plans based on the number of contacts you have on your email list. Their plans start at $9 per month for up to 1,000 contacts, and go up to $299 per month for up to 50,000 contacts.

Question: Does Automizy offer a free trial?

Answer: Yes, Automizy offers a 14-day free trial that allows you to test their software and all its features.

Question: Is Automizy easy to use?

Answer: Yes, Automizy is user-friendly and easy to use, even for beginners.

Question: Does Automizy integrate with other tools?

Answer: Yes, Automizy integrates with a wide range of platforms and tools, such as Zapier, Salesforce, Shopify, and more.

Question: Does Automizy offer customer support?

Answer: Yes, Automizy offers customer support through email, live chat, and a knowledge base with tutorials and articles.

Question: Can I cancel my Automizy subscription?

Answer: Yes, you can cancel your Automizy subscription at any time. If you cancel within the first 14 days of signing up, you'll receive a full refund.

Automizy vs ConvertKit

Question: What is included in my Automizy 14 day free trial?

Answer: Don’t wait another minute to take advantage of Automizy’s free trial! You can upload 50 contacts and send up to 100 emails during the 14 day period. Customizing your email template is easy with the drag-and-drop editor, so even beginners can get professional results in minutes. If you’re ready for more features like custom domains or advanced analytics tools within a few days - just upgrade from your account dashboard at any time!

Question: How to set up SPF for my sending domains?

Answer: SPF is a calculation that determines which servers are authorized to send emails using your domain name. To ensure you don’t get spammed or have any of your messages bounce, it’s important to set up SPF records on all the mail sending services in use by Automizy customers. And because they’re experts at this type of thing (or anything else for that matter), the team automatically configures an SPF record with every customer account and ensures they comply as needed so open rates go through the roof!

Question: Can I set up DMARC in Automizy?

Answer: DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) is an important tool to protect your business from phishing and spam. It’s built on top of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM, which are technologies that help authenticate emails as legitimate messages sent by the sender they claim to be sending them for. Together, these tools can reduce spoofing or impersonation in email communications while letting you keep control over what happens when someone sends a phony message using your domain name — do nothing if it passes validation; reject it outright with DMARC; have unauthorized mail forwarded into junk/spam folders automatically so recipients don’t see any false content at all! DMARC is not recommended for every business and Automizy does not yet use it.

Question: Can I use Automizy to send cold emails?

Answer: Cold emailing is time consuming and it can be exhausting, but the reward of connecting with new prospects that you wouldn’t have reached out to otherwise makes cold calling worth your while. Automizy isn’t an outreach software because we help marketers focus on their audiences who are already familiar with them - people who’ve opted in for marketing emails from companies they like or subscribe to newsletters they get regularly through services such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, or AWeber. Sending sales messages indiscriminately increases spam complaints against company’s domain name which might lead Automize to suspend your account temporarily until this issue has been resolved by cleaning up any complaint data coming back regarding the servers containing alleged abuse reports.

Question: Do I need to set up Double Opt-In in Automizy?

Answer: Do you know what’s better than double opt-in? Single. That way, your contacts won’t have to perform a second action that breaks the user experience on their phone or computer. With Google reCAPTCHA (enabled by default), you can protect our email list without ruining other people’s day!

Question: Is it possible to have multiple sending domains per account?

Answer: Automizy will set you up with a default sender detail including: Name, Email Address and Reply-to email address. You can use an unlimited number of different sender details, not just the one you set up as default. You do this within the email set up area of your campaign and automation.

Question: Can I use Profile Pages as a CRM?

Answer: You want to know as much information about a potential customer before you send them an email, call their office or visit in person. That’s why contact profiles are so great! It not only tells you who they are and how far away from your business they live but also provides helpful info like whether or not the person is likely to respond well if contacted by phone versus through social media posts. You can even see what industry that particular company falls under which helps narrow down where on LinkedIn most of their employees may be found-no more guessing games when it comes time for cold calling prospects.

Question: What is ConvertKit?

Answer: ConvertKit is an email marketing and automation platform designed for bloggers, online creators, and small business owners.

Question: What features does ConvertKit offer?

Answer: ConvertKit offers a variety of features including email automation, segmentation, tagging, landing pages, forms, and integrations with other tools.

Question: How much does ConvertKit cost?

Answer: ConvertKit offers different pricing plans based on the number of subscribers you have. Prices start at $29 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers.

Question: Can I try ConvertKit before buying it?

Answer: Yes, ConvertKit offers a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers. You can also sign up for a free trial of the paid plans.

Question: Does ConvertKit offer customer support?

Answer: Yes, ConvertKit offers customer support through email and a knowledge base.

Question: Can I use ConvertKit with other tools?

Answer: Yes, ConvertKit offers integrations with over 80 different tools including WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespace.

Question: What does ConvertKit do?

Answer: Convertkit is the ultimate marketing tool for automation. It lets users create easy forms and drip campaigns to automatically send mails to new subscribers, while delivering a simple solution for any other campaign needs that you may have as well!

Question: What’s the ConvertKit Community all about?

Answer: Just click the ‘Community’ link from the dropdown menu, accessible on any page in your ConvertKit account. A new community will be created for you using your existing login details and a place to jump right into our vibrant online space! We’re around each day answering questions/providing resources so come find us at anytime with whatever is weighing on your mind. Once inside group chat, make sure to ask about getting support or information specific to what type of creator you are (e.g. blogger).

Question: What is a sequence?

Answer: Sequences are a fun way to keep in touch with your subscribers. Sequences allow you to send automated emails on set schedules directly from the Dashboard or API, and they’re perfect for giving regular updates about new blog posts or other content that may interest them most. They can also be used as an easy reminder service - get automatic notifications when someone subscribes using this sequence! Sequence is self-contained sets of automated emails where subscribers follow through each email sequentially starting at the first one sent since their addition into the list (in relation with time). Send times are relative between all sequences which means if there’s any delay before sending out messages; it will take longer for recipients who were added after others because those ones have been waiting.

Question: What’s the difference between a sequence and a broadcast?

Answer: Sequences are the perfect tool for creating automated, evergreen-style content. They allow you to put together a sequence of emails that’s powered by one central theme and send them out on a set schedule - making it easy for your readers to get daily or weekly updates from you! Broadcasts might seem like they’re just used in more targeted email sequences but actually have their own purpose too: if there is something important going down, use broadcasts as an opportunity help make sure everyone who needs this information has access to it right away!

Question: What is an automation?

Answer: Automations are a way for you to create an automated path through your account. Think of them as maps, guiding the subscribers from one place in your account (destination) to another along their journey with you!

Question: What is a link trigger?

Answer: Link triggers are like a link with an extra perk. Linking to your email series will automatically subscribe the reader when they click on it, and you can use this power for more than just posting links! Add tags or even sets of emails in one fell swoop by setting up some smart-triggers all at once. It’s so fast that we’re thinking of renaming them link shortcuts! To create a link trigger in your account click the ‘Add Rule’ button in the Rules page. Then, under Trigger select ‘Clicks a Link’ and give your link trigger a name and destination URL. You can then select an action for the trigger, such as add a tag, or trigger a sequence etc. Save your new rule and you’re done!