Groove vs Intercom

Hyperise integrates with 100's of sales and marketing tools, many of which are in the CRM category. With so many to choose from it's sometimes hard to know which is best, but don't worry, we've got your covered.

In this comparison guide we're going to look at the Highlights, Pros, Cons and Pricing of Groove and Intercom. We'll also delve into the details of which offers the best personalization options within CRM, with there respective Hyperise integrations

Groove logo


Pricing: Groove offers two pricing plans; the Standard Plan, priced at $15/user/month, and the Enterprise Plan, priced at $25/user/month. Both pricing plans include an unlimited number of help desk contacts, unlimited tickets and conversations, ticket rules, a knowledge base, and community solutions. The Enterprise plan offers additional features such as automated ticket routing, analytics and reporting, and custom branding.


Intercom logo


Pricing: Intercom offers customers a range of pricing plans to meet their individual business needs. These plans range from free basic plans to paid plans, which start at a minimum of $50 per month. The most expensive plan is the Enterprise plan, which is $300 per month. The plans are based on the amount of features, users, and contacts you need. For more details, visit Intercom's pricing page.


Groove vs Intercom Highlights

Groove is a customer service and support software powered by ticketing systems, knowledge bases, and collaboration tools, while Intercom is a customer communication platform focused on facilitating customer conversations through chat and messaging.

The difference between Groove and Intercom is their core functions. Groove focuses on customer service and ticketing systems, giving companies the tools they need to provide fast and efficient customer support. In contrast, Intercom focuses on customer communication, providing tools to help companies interact with their customers via chat and messaging. Groove empowers companies to provide personalized, fast service, and Intercom allows them to engage customers in meaningful conversations. Overall, Groove and Intercom both provide valuable customer service functions, and the choice of which to use should be based on the companys needs.

Groove vs Intercom Pros

Groove Pros

  • Pros of Groove vs. Intercom
  • Cost effective: Groove's pricing plans are significantly more reasonable than Intercom's
  • Customization: Groove allows for greater customization of customer service interactions than Intercom
  • Workflows: Groove offers more complex and powerful workflows than Intercom
  • Automation: Groove offers more automation capabilities than Intercom
  • Integration: Groove supports a wide range of integrations than Intercom
  • Multi-channel support: Groove provides support both in-app and via email, while Intercom only supports in-app conversations
  • Ease of use: Groove is more user-friendly than Intercom, making it easy to setup and use

Intercom Pros

  • Ability to send personalized messages: Intercoms automated messages allow users to tailor content to their customers in a much more meaningful way than Groove does.
  • Integrates with your CRM and other apps: Intercom can easily be integrated with a variety of different platforms and apps, allowing you to get real-time data on customers and make decisions based on this information. Groove does not allow this level of integration.
  • Group conversations: Intercom allows you to create group conversations, allowing multiple team members to collaborate and respond to customers at the same time. Groove doesnt have this feature.
  • Automation: Intercom has an automation feature which allows you to create automated messages to your customers, saving you time when dealing with customer inquiries. Groove does not have this feature.
  • Analytics and reporting: Intercom allows you to easily track and analyze customer interactions. Groove does not offer this feature.
  • Cost: Intercom is more cost-effective compared to Groove for businesses.

Groove vs Intercom Cons

Groove Cons

  • Groove does not offer powerful in-app messaging features to make interacting with customers easier
  • Groove's analytics solution is limited and doesn't have the same data that Intercom can provide
  • Groove does not offer a basic segmentation capability or ability to target customers
  • Groove does not have an easily customizable help-center feature
  • Intercom has a wider range of integrations and support for third-party tools

Intercom Cons

  • Intercom is much more expensive than Groove
  • Intercom doesn't offer the same level of customer usage analytics as Groove
  • Intercom's customer segmentation and targeting capabilities are more limited than Groove's offering
  • Intercom's customer support ticketing capabilities are not as comprehensive as Groove's offering
  • Intercom's chat automation is limited compared to Groove's feature-rich offering
  • Intercom's reports are not as extensive as Groove's offering
  • Intercom's customer service feature set is less robust than Groove's offering

Groove & Intercom Hyperise Integrations

Groove uses the HTML code embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Groove makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Groove integration diagram
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone
  • Using business Website passed from Groove, Hyperise is able to enrich business logo and website screenshots.
  • Business name
  • Category

Groove Integration Guide

Intercom uses the HTML code embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Intercom makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Intercom integration diagram
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Business name
  • Using business Website passed from Intercom, Hyperise is able to enrich business logo and website screenshots.

Intercom Integration Guide

Other Groove & Intercom CRM platform comparisons

Groove and Intercom Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is Microsoft Groove?

Answer: Microsoft Groove is a collaboration tool that enables teams to work together across applications, documents and platforms. It helps groups track documents, tasks, conversations and more in one easy-to-navigate platform.

Question: What platforms does Groove support?

Answer: Groove works on Windows and Mac, as well as iOS and Android devices.

Question: How much does Groove cost?

Answer: Groove is part of Microsoft Office 365, so costs will depend on the Office 365 plan you choose. Plans start as low as $99 per user per month.

Question: What are the main features of Groove?

Answer: Groove enables users to easily manage documents, tasks, and conversations within the platform. It also includes calendar access, record keeping/version control, shared file storage, as well as integration with other Office 365 services. It also offers collaboration via online conferencing, view histories and record keeping, access to forms and surveys through Microsoft Forms, and more.

Question: What is Intercom?

Answer: Intercom is an all-in-one customer messaging platform, helping businesses connect with customers on their websites, apps, and in real life. It enables businesses to build stronger relationships with their customers

Question: What kind of support does Intercom offer?

Answer: Our team provides support for customers via email, live chat, phone, and our online help center. We also have a self-serve knowledge base and our product documentation is available online.

Question: How much does Intercom cost?

Answer: Intercom offers a range of pricing options based on the type and size of your business. Prices start from €49/month for our basic plan.