Salesflare vs Customerly

Hyperise integrates with 100's of sales and marketing tools, many of which are in the CRM category. With so many to choose from it's sometimes hard to know which is best, but don't worry, we've got your covered.

In this comparison guide we're going to look at the Highlights, Pros, Cons and Pricing of Salesflare and Customerly. We'll also delve into the details of which offers the best personalization options within CRM, with there respective Hyperise integrations

Salesflare logo


Pricing: Salesflare offers three pricing plans: Lite ($59/month), Pro ($99/month), and Business ($179/month). All plans include unlimited users, unlimited contacts and full customer support. Each plan also includes additional features, as outlined on Salesflare's website.


Customerly logo


Pricing: Customerly offers a variety of pricing plans tailored to the needs of its customers. There is a free plan for startups and small businesses, a Basic Plan starting at $28/month for individuals, a Growth Plan starting at $90/month for teams, and a Pro Plan starting at $169/month for larger organizations. Each plan includes different features and levels of access.

Salesflare vs Customerly Highlights

Salesflare is a customer relationship management (CRM) software designed for small businesses. It is an easy-to-use system that helps you better understand your customer relationships, track interactions, consolidate data, and send automated emails. With its advanced automation features and syncing capabilities, Salesflare provides a comprehensive customer relationship management offering for businesses of all sizes.

Customerly is also a customer relationship management (CRM) software, but it focuses more on customer engagement. It is an automated platform that helps businesses nurture relationships with customers through two-way conversations, customer surveys, and customer support solutions. Customerly also provides customer segmentation, allowing businesses to develop tailored strategies for different customer groups. Customerly differs from Salesflare in that its emphasis is on creating customer engagement and providing customer support.

Salesflare vs Customerly Pros

Salesflare Pros

  • Easy to use and intuitive CRM: Salesflare is an easy-to-use, cloud-based CRM that is designed to streamline customer relationship management tasks.
  • Automated data capture: Salesflare automatically captures key customer data without manual tracking and maintaining, including emails, calls, and LinkedIn activity.
  • Artificial intelligence-assisted sales cycle: With Salesflare's AI-assisted follow-ups and notifications, customer relationships are constantly improved and sales activities are efficiently managed.
  • Advanced customer segmentation: Easily segment and organize customers according to customer behavior and mapping needs.
  • Integrations with popular services: Salesflare can integrate with popular customer service applications such as Stripe, Zapier, MailChimp, and Slack to help automate workflow.
  • Customizable visual data reports: Generate and customize real-time reports and visual data graphs to track and measure customer engagement.
  • Mobile optimization: Salesflare is optimized for both desktop and mobile, ensuring customers have a unified experience across platforms.

Customerly Pros

  • Flexible pricing plans Customerly offers subscription plans that range from basic to premium tiers, catering to all types of businesses.
  • Advanced customer segmentation Customerly allows users to segment their customers into different user types depending on the level of engagement they have with the business.
  • Customisable templates Easily create automated emails and messages with Customerlys pre-made templates that can be adjusted to fit a businesss specific needs.
  • Robust analytics dashboard Customerly provides an in-depth analytics dashboard that can be used to track customer engagement, performance, and more.
  • Comprehensive customer profiles Keep track of all customer interactions with Customerlys comprehensive customer profiles, which provides a full overview of each customers history and activity.
  • AI-powered chatbot Automate conversations with Customerlys AI-powered chatbot, which can help reduce customer support workloads.

Salesflare vs Customerly Cons

Salesflare Cons

  • Higher Price: Customerly's plans start at a lower price compared to SalesFlare's, which may make it less accessible for customers with limited budgets.
  • Limited Integrations: SalesFlare offers fewer integration capabilities than Customerly, making it unable to connect to some useful apps.
  • Complex Setup: Setting up SalesFlare takes a bit more effort than Customerly, which may require customers to spend more time for deployment.
  • Less Customization: Stats and reports in SalesFlare are mostly ready-made, and offer fewer customization options than Customerly.
  • Slower Support: Customerly offers 24/7 customer support which is not available with SalesFlare, making it harder and slower to deal with customer issues in case of an unexpected problem.

Customerly Cons

  • No native two-way email sync or three-way calendar sync
  • Limited AI features or automation
  • Less advanced segmentation tools
  • No advanced analytics or reporting capabilities
  • Fewer CRM integrations
  • No mobile app
  • Fewer customer support options
  • Fewer customization and customization options

Salesflare & Customerly Hyperise Integrations

Salesflare uses the HTML code embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Salesflare makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Salesflare integration diagram
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Using business Website passed from Salesflare, Hyperise is able to enrich business logo and website screenshots.
  • Phone
  • Business name
  • City
  • Country

Salesflare Integration Guide

Customerly uses the Image embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Customerly makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Customerly integration diagram
  • First name

Customerly Integration Guide

Other Salesflare & Customerly CRM platform comparisons

Salesflare and Customerly Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is Salesflare?

Answer: Salesflare is an automated CRM, built to reduce the amount of admin work needed to track and nurture your sales. It lets you focus on the most important sales tasks while automating others and making sure your sales are always organized in one central place.

Question: How does Salesflare work?

Answer: Salesflare is a cloud-based CRM that uses artificial intelligence to automate sales processes. Our AI-powered engine analyses emails, calendar events, social data, contact data and more to automatically capture customer insights and keep customer data up-to-date.

Question: What features does Salesflare include?

Answer: Salesflare's feature set includes: Automated contact synchronisation; Automatic deal tracking; Team collaboration tools; Reporting, analytics and insights; Task automation; Lead scoring and prioritisation; Email integration; and more.

Question: How much does Customerly cost?

Answer: Customerly has 5 different plans, ranging from the Starter plan at $18/month to the Pro plan at $180/month.

Question: Is there a trial period?

Answer: Yes, Customerly offers a 14-day free trial so that you can explore the features and test out the platform without any commitment.

Question: How do I get started with Customerly?

Answer: First, sign up for Customerly with your email address to create an account. Then you can explore the pre-built templates and start building a customer support platform for your business.

Question: What features does Customerly have?

Answer: Customerly offers a variety of features, from customer service automation and ticketing system to chatbot and live chat capabilities. You can find out more about each individual feature on the Customerly website.

Question: Is Customerly secure and GDPR compliant?

Answer: Yes, Customerly is 100% GDPR compliant and all of its data is securely stored. Customerly also has end-to-end encryption to protect sensitive customer data.

Question: What is Customerly?

Answer: Your customers are the lifeblood of your company. We want to make their experience as amazing and memorable for them, as it is for you. We understand that you might not have a lot of time on your hands with all things going on - so we’ve created simple solutions to help take some weight off both you and them!

Question: How can I install Customerly Live Chat using Google Tag Manager?

Answer: If you want to speed up your business you need fuel, and installing Customerly is exactly the fuel you need. The easiest way to install it and manage all of its configurations, even the most advanced ones, is using Google Tag Manager. First of all log into customerly or create an account if needed - then go to ‘App settings’. You can find them in the menu inside your user profile! Here are many different options for installation as well as more detailed explanations on how they work so that there isn’t any confusion when trying out a new one!

Question: How does the Dashboard handle my data?

Answer: Your latest, amazing dashboard gives you access to all of your incoming conversations from Live Chat, Facebook Messenger or Support Email so that you are never out of the loop!

Question: Can I change the appearance of my live chat?

Answer: We know how hard it can be to choose the perfect color for your campaign. With so many options in Live Chat, you may feel like a child in a candy store! Whether blue is more calming, if yellow matches with your other products, on the right is more practical, yet on the left more pleasing... We want to make sure that whatever you chose is just right and will match what feels most natural for your brand.

Question: How do Funnel Templates help?

Answer: Onboarding new users or recovering churns? We’ve got a funnel to help you... Just import a ready to use funnel and replace the conditions with your own. Use our content or create your own, use graphics or plain text templates, and get it all done in less than an hour!