Keap vs Drift

Hyperise integrates with 100's of sales and marketing tools, many of which are in the CRM category. With so many to choose from it's sometimes hard to know which is best, but don't worry, we've got your covered.

In this comparison guide we're going to look at the Highlights, Pros, Cons and Pricing of Keap and Drift. We'll also delve into the details of which offers the best personalization options within CRM, with there respective Hyperise integrations

Keap logo


Pricing: Keap pricing varies depending on the size and needs of your business. However, the most basic Keap plans start at $19 a month for a single user, and increase to $299 for multiple users. Additional features such as customer relationship management (CRM) and automated marketing will cost extra.


Drift logo


Pricing: Drift pricing is a highly flexible pricing model providing subscription-based access to different types of usage. Through this model, businesses are able to accommodate individual user needs while managing costs. As opposed to a traditional one-size- fits-all price tag, Drift pricing offers different tiers with different levels of usage and associated value. This allows businesses to offer more tailored pricing based on what the customer needs, while still providing an overall cost benefit.

Keap vs Drift Highlights

Keap is a sales and marketing automation platform that helps small businesses efficiently manage and grow their customer relationships. It offers features such as contact management, automated emails, invoicing, payment processing, task management, and CRM.

Drift, on the other hand, is a conversational marketing platform that helps businesses engage customers in conversation in real-time. It offers features such as live chat, bots, engaging content, marketing automation, and more.

In brief, Keap is focused more on the sales and marketing aspect of a business. It is a great platform for managing customers and automating emails and tasks. On the other hand, Drift is more focused on conversational marketing, allowing businesses to engage customers in real-time chats and with automated bots.

Keap vs Drift Pros

Keap Pros

  • Pros of Keap Compared to Drift:
  • Easier to customize contact forms according to specific customer data
  • Ability to sort contacts into lists and tags based on activity or attributes
  • Automated follow-up with clients who havent contacted you in a specified amount of time
  • Includes powerful marketing automation tools allowing for personalized content
  • Allows for the implementation of SMS and email campaigns
  • Highly adaptive and allows for easy integration with other systems such as Zapier
  • Robust reporting, including real-time reporting across all campaigns and channels
  • Ability to set up payment processing and integration with accounting programs like QuickBooks
  • Includes an intuitive dashboard, making it easy to view progress and interact with customers
  • Offers customer support and training resources

Drift Pros

  • Easier to Use Drift is incredibly simple and intuitive to use, allowing users to get set up more quickly and without needing additional training and support.
  • Flexible Pricing Drift offers flexible pricing plans designed to meet your specific needs and budget
  • Lower Cost Drift typically costs up to 50% less than other CRMs and email marketing platforms
  • Integrations Drift integrates with popular third-party platforms like HubSpot, MailChimp and Salesforce, allowing users to sync customer data across multiple applications.
  • Powerful Automation With simple point-and-click automation, Drift allows users to quickly create complex customer journeys and nurture campaigns.
  • Advanced Insights Drifts dashboard and analytics provide important customer insights and allow users to track leads and monitor progress.

Keap vs Drift Cons

Keap Cons

  • More costly: Keap is considerably more expensive than Drift.
  • Limited Reasonable scalability: Keaps plans are limited in terms of users and features, making scalability difficult
  • Tiered usage plans: Keap has tiered usage plans rather than a single more flexible plan, which can be limiting.
  • Limited support: Keaps free version does not offer anyone-to-one customer service and has limited resources.
  • Fewer features: Keap does not have as many features as Drift and is less customizable to fit customers needs.
  • Difficult to navigate: Keaps user interface is complex and not as user-friendly as Drifts.

Drift Cons

  • Price: Drift is more expensive than Keap and additional features may be required to perform some of the more advanced tasks Flexibility: Keap offers more customizable solutions and more flexibility in how customers can interact with the platform Analytic capabilities: Drift is less capable in terms of tracking customer and user analytics Robust feature set: Keap offers a wide range of features, whereas Drift is more limited Third-Party Integrations: There are more integrations to choose from with Keap than Drift. Canned messages: Drift has a limited selection of automated messages that are pre-programmed and cannot be customized.

Keap & Drift Hyperise Integrations

Keap uses the Image embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Keap makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Keap integration diagram
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Using business Website passed from Keap, Hyperise is able to enrich business logo and website screenshots.
  • Phone
  • Business name
  • Job title
  • Street
  • Street2
  • City
  • Country
  • State
  • Zip

Keap Integration Guide

Drift uses the HTML code embed method to integrate with Hyperise, giving a simple way to add personalized images to your messages.

Drift makes the following data points available to Hyperise, to enable personalization in images used in outreach and linked out to your personalized website landing pages.

Drift integration diagram
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Business name
  • User profile url

Drift Integration Guide

Other Keap & Drift CRM platform comparisons

Keap and Drift Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is Keap?

Answer: Keap is cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software designed to simplify the client and customer management process. It automates lead nurturing, contact management, invoicing, and more.

Question: How does Keap work?

Answer: Keap works by allowing businesses to streamline the client management process by providing tools for organizing contacts, managing invoices, and automating marketing campaigns.

Question: What does Keap cost?

Answer: Keap pricing differs depending on the plan chosen and the number of contacts you need to manage. Prices start at $19 per month for the Lite plan, $79 per month for the Pro plan, and $149 per month for the Max plan.

Question: What type of support does Keap provide?

Answer: Keap provides customer support via phone, chat, and email. They also offer a range of helpful resources and instructional videos.

Question: How do I get started with Drift?

Answer: Getting started with Drift is quick and easy! All you need to do is create an account using your company email address, create workspace and add your team members. Then, you can start using Drift to chat with your customers, book meetings, and more.

Question: What is the best way to use Drift?

Answer: Drift is a powerful customer engagement platform designed to help you build relationships with your customers on your website and inside of your app. The best way to use Drift is to engage with your customers in real time, offer personalized customer service and support, and create targeted campaigns that can help you better understand and serve your customers.

Question: What features are available with Drift?

Answer: Drift offers a wide range of features, such as live chat capabilities, customer segmentation, automated workflows, customer data integration, proactive notifications, and more. Additionally, Drift also comes with enterprise-level security, analytics, and reporting.

Question: Is there a cost associated with using Drift?

Answer: Yes, there is a cost associated with using Drift. Prices vary based on the number of customers and features used. To learn more about Drift's pricing, please visit our pricing page.

Question: What is Drift?

Answer: Drift is the world’s largest conversation platform that uses Conversational Marketing and Conversational Sales to help companies grow revenue, faster. Drift helps businesses scale their teams with artificial intelligence-powered chatbots on a single unified customer engagement solution where people can have fun conversations about anything at any time without feeling pressured into buying something they don’t need or want.

Question: How do I measure the effectiveness of conversational marketing?

Answer: It’s no wonder your conversations are a marketing channel! You can measure them just like any other, and Drift makes it easy to see the success you’ve had. You’ll be able to track how many leads have been captured or qualified with conversation only (and thus not including those that were successfully contacted but did not speak). See how bookings compare as well as meetings scheduled vs booked out in order of importance for what needs scheduling first - even if they’re all important on their own merit. And finally, we make sure there is an indicator of revenue generated by these interactions so you know whether this has made business sense yet.

Question: What types of people are having conversations with businesses?

Answer: With the amount of data analyzed from over 50,000 businesses using Drift for conversational marketing, we found that executives are often the ones who choose to connect with business via a real-time messaging solution. In terms of seniority, 41% were at least executive level and 7.1% were CEOs making up an impressive percentage.

Question: Can I use conversational marketing & chatbots for customer support?

Answer: Conversational marketing can make customer support more fun. Through techniques such as reducing the friction of customer experiences, finding relevant documentation to self-help and improving all around experience for customers conversational marketing creates a successful company culture that is enjoyable for everyone involved.

Question: How do I scale conversational marketing?

Answer: Chatbots are more than just efficient! They actually make your life easier. Imagine being able to respond 24/7, even when you’re sleeping? With Chatbots asking the same questions that would normally only be asked by a human sales rep (like qualifying who’s qualified), they can figure out which person is most knowledgeable of what product or service and then connect them with someone in charge of selling it. In fact, chat bots now manage over 50% of all conversations we have at Drift - talk about efficiency!