Learn about Defining Personalization with the Hyperise Academy

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Hey, how you doing in here again, thanks for watching these videos. I really hope they're helping. In this video, we're going to cover defining website personalization so how to define the personalization on your landing pages, and other pages on your website. So if you've been following these videos you have already added a snippet to your site. In this case you can see, I've added the website chat where the snippet to the website section at the moment, I've got no pages or segments or anything else, defined. So let's just jump over to the website just have a quick look at that. But what I'm going to do to be able to start defining personalization is use website personalization tool. Now this is a Chrome extension so if you've not installed that yet. Jump over to the Chrome Web Store search for hyper eyes, and it will be the first option. You see, which is website personalization toolbar. Once you've installed that you're going to see that in your chrome bar here, by simply clicking that will either give you the option to log in, Or in my case has already locked in for itself does not mean automatically. And what we'll see is this website personalization toolbar here, which shows all of the details for personalization with version, eight. So, first of all, we can see zero personalizations defined so far, and we're in our default segment. So what I can do move my mouse around the page and see as I hover over these text elements. For example, the title here, we see the dotted blue line. Equally, I could do that on any specific element when I click that element, it goes to solid blue, which means it's now selected, I can now double click into these areas and you'll see now that all of our causation tags are available. So for example, rather than having your customer engagement, I could change that and select your customer and say gamifying business engagement with a chatbot go to a blog for example, and you've got that now that title is going to change and personalize when we have the visitor available that title can change with that personalization and we can see we've got one personalization defined as Text type, for example, we've got this image here I can select that and see it was orange rather than blue. When I select is to go solid now rather than seeing personalization tags, I can see all of my personalized, images, or indeed if I create any photos, videos, I can see how to pop over to images. Find the image that I'm looking for in this case, this image here, select that, and now we're going to have that image being replaced, and the other one we're just going to personalize with logo, etc. releasing now to personalization on the page, and text element, and one image element, so I can keep going through, maybe here, this would be a good time element to replace with a video, I'm going to go through here and find the most appropriate video moving my onboarding video, and pop that in there, and now you can see these three changes one text or image, and one video change and all of these, what's going to happen with those changes, you can save those if you want to review them within this menu over here and clicking any of those will take us to where they are on the page, so we can see all of those specific changes. Also we can see here, this is the delete button so if you have added something you wish you hadn't just simply delete that. Or alternatively, right clicking on their area would be selected if already personalize your time, or remove option, which will then take it back to the default personalization. So that's the very basics of one using the personalization toolbar, and to define personalization on your site. Once you've finished all of those. Click Save. If you want to undo all of the changes you've made and Cancel to close the personalization toolbar, we simply click here where we start in the first place, and then icon here in the toolbar on the overload that will take you back to your site. Of course when you want to test this personalization that you've defined, and you can simply use the UTM parameter and UTM underscore plate ref equals, and then any email and your business email that you like, as part of your testing, and that would be to give you a direct way to test the personalization to find this process that's been a use video, please set one of these other options to learn more about website personalization with 4g catch you again soon. Take care. Cheers, bye bye.

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