Learn about Integrations with the Hyperise Academy

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Hey again. In this video we're gonna be covering integrations, and how integrations work with hyperbolized images. So, let's jump into it. As you can see here in the image editor area integrations tab on the right hand side. When we select that, you can see all the integrations that we presently added to our image so far. We can use multiple integrations and image to have multiple data sources. So in this case, you can see we're already using HubSpot marketing. If I also wanted to use your Google Sheet with this image, simply click the Add button here and search for integration of Google Sheets, and here I can add a new sheet for settling existing ones. Also within the integrations, you can see, in the case of Google Sheet, or if we add a CSV. There will be an edit option, so we can edit the details of that integration for our standard integrations, such as HubSpot in this case, we can see we can get access to the integration guide that we have, as well as remove that, to get the code for the specific integration for the image, we can just use the fact that contains an image code for all of these, each integration we add to it will automatically map, the Merge Tags, and personalization tags for that platform to our own simply adding in, in this case CC, first name, personalization, will map. When we have the HubSpot integration to the HubSpot first name tag, etc, enabling the personalization to be pushed directly from your chosen platform into the image and obviously the final part of the integration will be copy the image code using the hyper campaign, and add that directly into your shots. So that's a quick overview of how integrations work. One final thing to say, if you don't find your integration here, in a platform. You can call contractors or request the integration if it's not present. And also, you can choose the default source and copy the code that way and then manually add your tags into the default for more details on that, see default data sources. Catch you later. Cheers.

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