Learn about Image Canvas with the Hyperise Academy

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When creating a new personalized image template. The first step is to click the canvas to set the background image. You will then be presented with your image library. Here you can upload any type of image file, such as PNG jpg and GIFs. You can also search through your image library to find images that you've already uploaded. Click to select the required image then click that select Image button to confirm. Once you've selected an image, you will be able to choose to adjust the canvas size to match the selected image, or choose keep ratio, or adjust the image size to canvas with the canvas settings on the right hand side tabs provide further controls. You can change the canvas size background color, as well as select a different Canvas image. Additionally, you can turn on the grid view. This is useful when adding multiple layers to snap to the grid to easily line them up. Thanks for watching, please click on a feature to learn more and how it can help.

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