Learn about Using Google Sheets Data in Automation with the Hyperise Academy

Video Transcript (unedited)

Hey hyperises i've got some really exciting uh new updates uh to share with you today uh around google sheets now this is something that i know quite a few of you have talked a lot i've talked to you about before in the past having more flexibility around google sheets As you probably aware if you've used a google sheet already and once you've added data to a google sheet you then reference the image using that sheet id and row number now that's great um for use cases where you're running an automation from that google sheet buying from a yam or gms or from some other uh zapier or whatever integration or automation But if you then want to use that google sheet data somewhere else you're then kind of having to if you've supplemented that sheet with lots of other bits of useful uh data in terms of your retail you then have to update it or kind of download it and then import it and it takes a bit of a faff and sometimes it's not convenient um to reference an image by the row number So what we've done i'm just going to jump over to this sheet here just going to give an example i've created a sheet here a business name email just some random data and i've also put in a column here quote um where i've just got some quotes um different people so i might still um gonna be kind of sending this out via whatever email platform maybe mailshape or something Uh but i don't wanna have to go into that platform and keep adding all these quotes in because i might have like a va or something just banging these in here as of when they find them um but i'd still like to be able to use that this data you know in from this sheet directly while still integrating my image with another platform so what we've done now is we've now Enabled that enabled us to create a lookup key for any column within our sheet and then use that as the reference to pull the data from the sheet so let me explain i'll show what that looks like first of all i'm going to do a standard google sheet integration as we normally would so i'm going to copy the google sheet url for our data sheet we'll go over to hyper eyes go to Integrations and then click add and i'm going to go to data sources and i'm going to go to google sheets now i'm going to do is choose new then choose my account click next i'm going to paste in the sheet the google sheet url i've just copied and click next and now as we would have before we can map that data so we've got the data sheet here Business name map email map phone number first name last name match they will map automatically because the names obviously match gender all mapped and then this final one quotes what i'm going to do is i'm always there's no standard of quotes i'm just going to map that to custom text one that's custom text one now you just scroll down and this is the new port policy select a column to use as a lookup key so what i'm going to do Now i'm going to choose in this case email so what that means is now um whenever i reference this image using email against the utm height ref all of this data will be available irrespective of what platform or the integration i'm using so i can now save that i've got that image and i can now preview and just save that first Should be a preview of this image you see right now we're pulling it through and we're actually referencing it row two tim and wise man once said sidelines blah blah et cetera and obviously we can change that and we're gonna see for each row so in the row four to build a right hand side now we've got the quotes here from each individual user for a five You can see it also um we're pulling through because in this case ariana arrives a lot a wise woman so in this sense etc so we can do it that way but also what we can do now um imagine we were just going to do a standard integration so we're just going to go um via our utm hypergraph so we can just view our image with hype breath in this case i'm going To do is now we're not referencing the sheet at all but we're still able using our utm pipe ref and the value that we set the key on which in this case was the email we're now able to directly pull the data sheet of the sheet the data from the sheet just using that key lookup you can see here if you change that to Ariana so that's great because now that we've got that philosophy what means we can also now add in other integrations for example email platform or linkedin or whatever and that core bit of data that unique id that we've set that is also available and other platforms in this case email would be um if you use an email platform you can use email If you're using linkedin it could be the profile url you've got a sheet so to bring in further data etc you know and that kind of gives you a lot a lot more flexibility in terms of being able to automate this whole process pulling independent data from a google sheet um while still using integration with another platform in this case we just use the mail shape One what we'll do is here where we've got the key email we would change that email for the utm height breath our standard utm underscore height breath so therefore pushing the email from mailshake through to our key lookup and being able to expose further data in this in this case the custom text quote data from that google sheet I hope that's um been a clear enough explanation of this and we have of course um also created a help guide for this i'll also record this video into here as well but as you can see here once you have selected a key uh there's a guide here that shows you exactly the process we've just followed in terms of how to do that how to get the key etc also if your Google sheet is constantly updated or you're going to be adding more data to this after the fact after you've um kind of added as an integration then we've also created a very simple web hook so every time you change that data it will automatically recompile the index the lookup index and enable you to do that of course you've got a sample sheet In here that you can download i've got all of that set up so again hopefully making it a little bit easier for you to get going appreciate your time on this video any questions hit us up in the questions look forward to catching the next video

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